Ważne informacje
Motorcycle racing and Dainese - they belong together. The experience that Dainese has gained in this segment of motorcycling flows directly into product development.
Now Dainese is coming up with a completely new system. The RSS 4.0 Full Kit is a complete knee slider set with Replaceable Slider System (RSS), compatible with Dainese leather suits. With Velcro fastener for attachment to the suit and slider for attachment to the base.
- dynamic shape
- innovative RSS 4.0 system (Replacable Slider System)
- the sliders can be replaced with new ones in the event of heavy wear
- replace sliders without changing the position of the base attached to the Velcro fastener
- attachments are easy to fasten: quick and simple replacement without tools
- Scope of delivery: 1 pair (2x base and 2x sliders each)
- Base with strong Velcro for perfect hold
- 100% polypropylene
Warning: Knee sliders serve as a protective element between the knee and the road surface, but have no protective function in the event of a crash. Ensure correct assembly. Loose parts can endanger uninvolved third parties. The Velcro on the knee sliders must be firmly attached to the counter Velcro on the motorcycle garments- if this is not the case, the knee sliders must not be used! Manufacturer: Dainese S.p.A. | Via Louvigny, 35 | 36064 Colceresa | Italien | info@dainese.com
Mistrzowska marka z Włoch
Jakimi słowami oddać znaczenie marki Dainese? Może takimi: Giacomo Agostini, Barry Sheene, Toni Mang, Kenny Roberts, Freddie Spencer, Max Biaggi, Valentino Rossi. Lista mistrzów świata noszących kombinezony Dainese wygląda jak lista who-is-who Grand-Prix-Sports ostatnich pięćdziesięciu lat. A może trzeba wymienić przełomowe innowacje: pierwszy ochraniacz pleców (1978), pierwsze slidery na kolana (1980), pierwszy garb na plecach (1988), pierwsza autonomiczna poduszka powietrzna (2000). I tu można by jeszcze długo wymieniać. Jedno jest pewne: Dainese rewolucjonizuje motocyklowy świat wciąż od nowa i po dziś dzień czyni jazdę na motocyklu piękniejszą i bezpieczniejszą.
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