Zumo 396Lmt-S Eu
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Important note - This item is a refurbished device.
Top-notch motorcycle navigation - that???s what the Garmin zumo 396 LMT-S EU promises. So you can always find and experience the best and most scenic routes. This is made possible by various routing functions (curvy, mountainous, major or minor roads). Spontaneously going for a spin after work, or setting off on a planned holiday tour - whatever your destination, your Garmin zumo 396 is invaluable in 46 European countries.
The outstanding features of this GPS sat nav are:
- WiFi connection, integrated WiFi interface for simple maps, POIs and software updates without connecting to a computer
- Simple and intuitive to use - even when wearing gloves!
- The integrated Bluetooth module allows you to transfer navigation instructions and phone calls from your compatible mobile phone wirelessly to an optional Bluetooth headset
- Riders can use the display control to access music and play lists from their phone
- Plan and share your adventure with friends by simply sending GPX files from your mobile device to the zumo 396 LMT-S EU
- Accident reports: the 396 LMT-S EU automatically sends a text message to your designated contact in case of an incident
- TripAdvisor POIs: take a look at the ratings for POIs along your route or near your destination
- Pre-installed road maps of 46 European countries with 6 million POIs (points of interest), such as filling stations, places to stay, restaurants and sights (see below for details of map coverage)
- nüMaps Lifetime with lifelong free map update*
- SKIP function - planned intermediate destinations (waypoints) can be skipped
- 3D Junction View and Lane Assist for quick, easy and safe orientation on approaching complicated motorway intersections and inner-city junctions
- TracBack function enables you to navigate back to your starting point along the same route
- "Where am I?" function: A useful feature in the event of an accident or dangerous situation. It shows your position and the nearest hospital, police station, filling stations etc.
- Advanced route planning on the GPS sat nav itself is very convenient if you have a large number of intermediate destinations, and also for determining the optimal route
- Route planning on your home PC using Garmin BaseCamp (free download)
- Waterproof, vibration-protected and fuel-resistant housing (IPX7 standard)
- Large, extra-bright 4.3 inch (10.9 cm) touchscreen display
- Glove-friendly design with extra-large touchscreen buttons
- Extra-sturdy motorcycle mount with RAM Mount Base, compatible with 22 mm and 25.4 mm (imperial) handlebar tubes, withstands strong vibration
- Free MicroSD card slot (max. 32 GB microSDHC card)
- While the device is connected to the Smartphone Link app., you can view messages from your smartphone, e.g. text messages, incoming calls and diary dates, on the sat nav display.
- Music control: Control of your music database on compatible smartphone or MP3 player via the navigator's display.
- Rider warnings Notification of upcoming sharp bends, speed changes, school zone, tiredness, railway crossings etc.
- Speed limit indicator shows the permitted speed in towns and on main roads and motorways
- Trip computer with compass display and lots of other important data, such as average speed, stop times, maximum speed, altitude and fuel level indicator
- Service History Log for recording bike maintenance and reminding you when the next service, oil/brake fluid change etc. are due
- Travel Kit: contains more useful features, such as world travel clock, calculator, currency and unit converter
- Dimensions of navigator (W x H x D): 125 x 86 x 25 mm
- Screen: WQVGA TFT colour display (resolution: 480 x 272) with 4.3 inch (10.9 cm) diagonal
- Powered by: Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
- Run time: up to 4 hours
- Weight: 240 grams
- Compatible with Windows Vista SP3/MAC OS 10.7 or later versions.
Country coverage:
Full coverage: Andorra, Austria, Azores, Balearic Islands, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canary Islands, Channel Islands, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, France, Germany, Gibraltar, Greece, Holland, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Madeira, Malta, Martinique, Monaco, Montenegro, Northern Ireland, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Réunion, Romania, Saint-Bathélemy, San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, Vatican City, Wales
Partial coverage of main roads: Albania, Belarus, Moldova
Voice instructions in the following languages:
Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English (UK), Estonian, Finnish, Flemish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Italian, Lithuanian, Luxembourgish, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Serbian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
Please note:
- Keep the device software (firmware) of your zumo navigator always up to date.
Garmin to światowy lider w dziedzinie mobilnych urządzeń nawigacyjnych i jeden z najbardziej doświadczonych producentów w dziedzinie technologii GPS. Specjalnie dla motocyklistów Garmin opracował serię zumo. Te motocyklowe urządzenie nawigacyjne są naprawdę banalne w obsłudze (w dodatku można je obsługiwać w rękawiczkach) i bez problemu radzą sobie z zabrudzeniami czy wilgocią. A co najważniejsze na motocyklu, dzięki Garmin zumo możesz spokojnie cieszyć się każdą trasą. Urządzenia nawigacyjne Garmin wyznaczają trendy pod praktycznie każdym względem.
Właściwości produktu
- Wymiary (szer. x wys. x gł.): 126 x 86 x 24 mm
- Masa: 230 g
- Rozdzielczość wyświetlacza: 480 x 272 pikseli
- Stopień ochrony: IPX7 (wodoodporny)
- Maksymalny czas pracy na akumulatorze: 4 godz.
- Akceptuje karty pamięci: Karty microSD
- Mocowanie: Uniwersalny uchwyt RAM Mount
- Obsługa: za pomocą ekranu dotykowego
- Uchwyt samochodowy z zasilaniem 12 V: W zestawie
- Oprogramowanie do planowania tras: Garmin Basecamp
- Połączenie Bluetooth: Zestaw słuchawkowy Bluetooth i do telefonu
- Informacje o ruchu w czasie rzeczywistym: Za pomocą połączenia ze smartfonem (opcjonalnie)
- Skórzany pokrowiec: Mapy drogowe 46 krajów Europy
- System monitorowania ciśnienia w oponach: nie
- Uchwyt motocyklowy z zabezp. antykradzieżowym: nie
- Rozmiar wyświetlacza (przekątna): 4,3 cala (10,9 cm)
Przegląd cech produktu
- Wbudowany głośnik
- Zasilanie pokładowe
- Możliwa obsługa w rękawicach
- Dożywotnia aktualizacja map
- Wbudowany odtwarzacz MP3
- Czytanie nazw ulic (tekst na mowę)
- Wskazanie maksymalnej dozwolonej prędkości
- Funkcja rejestrowania trasy
- Opcja wyboru trasy "Liczne zakręty"
- Opcja wyboru trasy "Unikaj autostrad"
- Asystent pasa ruchu
- Opcja wyboru trasy "Pętla"
- Opcja wyboru trasy "Trasy górzyste"
- Funkcja ster. muzyką za pomocą kompat. smartfonów
- Wsparcie dla Spotify
- Ostrzeżenia przed miejscami niebezp. i wiele in.
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