Motocyklowy atlas turystyczny Niemcy
Motocyklowy atlas turystyczny Niemcy

Motocyklowy atlas turystyczny Niemcy

*NIEMCY*, 196 STR.

Art. No. 10060176

1 Opinia

35,41 zł 1

Motocyklowy atlas turystyczny Niemcy *NIEMCY*, 196 STR.

Motorbike fun starts on your doorstep: With 150 strong tour suggestions, plus 300 additional attractive routes for GPS download, the completely revised Motorbike Touring Atlas of Germany presents the most beautiful motorcycling areas in Germany.
More than 100 selected accommodation tips show where to find motorbike-friendly accommodation if required. Many of the owners of the selected accommodation establishments are active biker hosts themselves and know from their own experience what motorcyclists want. In addition, over 150 popular biker meeting places, motorbike and technology museums and tourist highlights are listed, which are always worth a stopover.

Excellent map material and the Kurviger TOURCODES for downloading the GPS files make it easy to follow the respective route. Of course, the suggestions can be customised using the route planner at
196 pages Motorbike fascination Germany
Over 150 top tours present the most beautiful motorbike regions in Germany
A further 300 tours can be accessed with a TOURCODE at The GPS files are available for download there
More than 100 selected, motorbike-friendly accommodations show where motorcyclists are welcome guests
Over 150 attractive tips for stops: from bikers' clubs to motorbike museums
Excellent maps and Kurviger TOURCODES for GPS download
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