Ważne informacje
SUNAX BX sun visor.
- Perfect glare protection for your helmet.
- High-contrast vision, even when subjected to extreme glare.
- 90% light absorption and 100% UV protection.
- Super-stop fleece enables visor to be securely attached and quickly removed (no gluing, screwing, etc. required)
- Compared to the Sunax "Classic", the Sunax "BX" has a larger surface area and improved lateral cover and therefore offers more protection against glare. You should use the "BX" version rather than the "Classic" model for sports touring and when riding with a relaxed upright posture.
Instructions for use: To find out whether SUNAX can be worn in your helmet, slide a credit card between the two shells to a depth of roughly 3 cm. SUNAX is inserted between the outer and inner shell. The super-stop fleece faces the inner shell of the helmet, thus ensuring a secure fit. Slide SUNAX in until the lower edge is above your eyebrows when you sit normally on your motorcycle. It only needs to project by around 10 mm to ensure effective protection against glare.
- Caution: Use of SUNAX is at your own risk. Always check that your vision is unobstructed in all directions before setting off.
Changing light conditions and sudden glare have always been a key stress and risk factor for motorcyclists.
In spring 1999, the founders of SUNAX GmbH, Dr. Gernot Heine and Dr. Jörg Strobel, came up with an idea during one of their countless motorbike trips before they completed their doctorates in the fields of biomechanics and biology. This brainwave concerned the optimum positioning of a special filter for difficult light conditions.
Two years of development work in the labs of Göttingen University plus daily field testing culminated in a highly effective, ultra-lightweight glare protection system for upgrading motorcycle helmets, which has now been internationally patented.
After setting up their original business, SunnySightUp GmbH, Dr. Heine and Dr. Strobel then presented their first handmade prototypes at Dortmund's Motorcycle Fair in March 2001. In 2002, laser technology was introduced to shape the handmade laminates, and over 70,000 sunshields have since been sold both in Germany and abroad.
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