Ważne informacje
Rideet TPMS Pro monitors the pressure and temperature of your tyres: the values are immediately displayed in the Rideet app. Request measurements anytime through your smartphone and Apple Watch. Keep an eye on pressure and temperature by using the high-frequency race mode while driving and exporting the graphics for in-depth analysis. And whenever pressure and temperature readings fall outside your desired range, the Rideet app notifies you immediately.
MAXIMUM CONTROL WITH LONG BATTERY LIFE You can select the frequency with which Rideet TPMS Pro checks the tyres while you are riding; it also automatically detects strange values of pressure and temperature when you are not riding, and sends a notification. When the motorbike is parked, Rideet TPMS Pro monitors slow and fast leaks and notifies you as soon as you approach your motorbike. Thanks to its great battery life, it will provide you with a full year of service.
WORKS BETTER WITH RIDEET ONE When a Rideet One is installed on the motorcycle, Rideet TPMS Pro shares its data with your cloud account via your Rideet One. This way, no smartphone is needed to get the updated information and you can also check the status of your tyres when you are not near your motorcycle.
EASY INSTALLATION Install it yourself on your valves in a few seconds. It's just as easy as a valve cap.
2x tyre pressure sensors
2x battery
mounting material
registration number WEEE: NPWD 349771
Motorcycle management state of the art
The young brand Rideet is an innovative project developed by Solectric Italia - one of the largest electronics B2B partners in Europe. Rideet aims to change the way motorcycling is done. It's about improving the rider's performance, having full control of the motorcycle, increasing safety. It's about best care and maintenance of the machine, touring navigation, networking via smartphone and the use of artificial intelligence in biking. Rideet uses comprehensive development expertise and first-hand knowledge.
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