

Art. No. 10080044

2 Opinie

54,18 zł 1


The sponge offers two different microfiber sides that guarantee an optimal motorcycle wash
  • long and soft chenille fibers: Clean particularly gently, are very absorbent and support foam formation
  • Smooth side: Cleans extremely stubborn dirt particularly well
  • The sponge can absorb an extremely large amount of cleaning fluid, making vehicle washing easier. The first-class workmanship makes the sponge extremely robust and wash-resistant
Suitable for all surfaces such as paint (glossy and matt), films (glossy and matt), plastic, metal, glass, polycarbonate and all types of rims

  • Preparation: Before hand washing with the sponge, coarse dirt and contamination should be removed from the vehicle and rinsed off with plenty of water.
  • Care: After each use, rinse thoroughly with warm water and leave to dry. To remove all polish, wax and dirt residues, we recommend cleaning in the washing machine if necessary (see washing instructions).
Manufacturer: Dr. O.K. Wack Chemie GmbH | Untere Au 9 | 85107 Baar-Ebenhausen | Germany | +49 8453 41995100 | info@wackchem.com | www.wack-group.com
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