Evo Footpegs
Art. No. 10058688
Ważne informacje
Znajdź swój motocykl:
482,85 zł 1
Zawartość Twojego koszyka:
Evo Footpegs
The extra wide CNC footpegs made of 7075 aluminum from Scar Racing with their 18 pins ensure a strong grip and a safe riding experience on the motorcycle.
Important note
These footrests or rider footboards can be used for many vehicle types, but do not have an EC type approval (E-mark), ABE, TÜV certificate or other type approval and approval marks. They are therefore not approved for use in road traffic within the scope of the German StVZO. They may only be fitted and used on the vehicle for racing, competition or show purposes (classic cars, collectors, etc.). Before they can be used on the road, they must be individually approved by your TÜV test center. We cannot guarantee whether such individual approval is possible. Please also note our information on the relevant approval regulations (Section III), e.g. in our General Terms and Conditions (GTC), also for use outside Germany.
- extra wide base and pointed pins for a strong hold (25% wider than standard footpegs)
- high fitting accuracy and easy installation
- anodized CNC footrest
- up to 25% lighter than OEM
Important note
These footrests or rider footboards can be used for many vehicle types, but do not have an EC type approval (E-mark), ABE, TÜV certificate or other type approval and approval marks. They are therefore not approved for use in road traffic within the scope of the German StVZO. They may only be fitted and used on the vehicle for racing, competition or show purposes (classic cars, collectors, etc.). Before they can be used on the road, they must be individually approved by your TÜV test center. We cannot guarantee whether such individual approval is possible. Please also note our information on the relevant approval regulations (Section III), e.g. in our General Terms and Conditions (GTC), also for use outside Germany.
Lista pasujących motocykli
Informacja producenta: Scar
Wystaw recenzję dotyczącą: Evo Footpegs
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