Top Bag - Pet Carrier
Art. No. 10080019
Ważne informacje
1 253,33 zł 2
1 080,24 zł 1
Zawartość Twojego koszyka:
Top bag for MONOKEY® attachment especially for transporting animals
The T525 is the solution developed by GIVI to make transporting pets on your motorbike tours safe and easy. The design includes an opening at the top of the bag specifically designed for the pet's head, ensuring maximum protection for the four-legged friend.
Every detail of the T525 bag maximises pet travel comfort: washable inner padding, maximum breathability, specially treated materials that reflect UV rays and prevent the temperature inside the bag from rising.
The MONOKEY® fastening system guarantees easy attachment and detachment from the motorbike, making the journey even more comfortable for your faithful friend. The materials used ensure water resistance and maximum durability, even on long journeys.
- Padded inner cushion, covered with easily washable TPU;
- Four ventilation openings
- The upper opening can be rolled up to further increase breathability
- Hinged mesh on the top
- Two outer side pockets for items
- Inner document pocket
- Two holes in the bottom of the bag ensure that water/moisture can drain away
- Carrying straps for transport
- 3 ergonomic handles
- A safety padlock (not included) can be attached to the slider of the main compartment
The T525 is the solution developed by GIVI to make transporting pets on your motorbike tours safe and easy. The design includes an opening at the top of the bag specifically designed for the pet's head, ensuring maximum protection for the four-legged friend.
Every detail of the T525 bag maximises pet travel comfort: washable inner padding, maximum breathability, specially treated materials that reflect UV rays and prevent the temperature inside the bag from rising.
The MONOKEY® fastening system guarantees easy attachment and detachment from the motorbike, making the journey even more comfortable for your faithful friend. The materials used ensure water resistance and maximum durability, even on long journeys.
- Padded inner cushion, covered with easily washable TPU;
- Four ventilation openings
- The upper opening can be rolled up to further increase breathability
- Hinged mesh on the top
- Two outer side pockets for items
- Inner document pocket
- Two holes in the bottom of the bag ensure that water/moisture can drain away
- Carrying straps for transport
- 3 ergonomic handles
- A safety padlock (not included) can be attached to the slider of the main compartment
Manufacturer: GIVI Deutschland GmbH | Ernst-Sachs-Str. 26 | 90441 Nürnberg | Germany | +49 9119551022 | |
Informacja producenta: Givi
Firma Givi została założone w 1978 r. przez Giuseppe Visenziego w Brescii w północnych Włoszech. Od tego czasu firma urosła do rangi jednego z największych dostawców akcesoriów motocyklowych. Włoska elegancja, przemyślana funkcjonalność, wysoka jakość wykonania i korzystny stosunek jakości do ceny sprawiają, że klienci naszego sklepu doskonale oceniają produkty Givi.
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